There are many ways to get involved with MSP...
Task Force MeetingsStudents from MSP schools across the county meet monthly at the MCEA building in Rockville, Maryland, for task force meetings. During these meetings, they come together as a student-led movement to brainstorm and develop action plans to address the achievement gap. Additionally, they organize and execute a yearly retreat, bringing together students from across the county.
Yearly Leadership RetreatsStudents from MSP schools gather to explore solutions for closing the opportunity gap in MCPS. At the retreat, task force students lead workshops on topics including student advocacy, achievement gap analysis, future planning, stereotypes, and leadership. The retreat fosters leadership skills, builds community, and inspires students to become agents of change in their schools and beyond.
Summer InternshipOne student from each high school’s MSP participates in an intensive summer internship. After completing an application process, interns spend July and August creating action plans to improve the school system and receive specialized training in grassroots organizing.